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Transport and road safety

Our topic for the last two weeks has been transport and road safety. We have been looking at different vehicles and made junk models of rockets, cars, buses and boats.

We made tracks with different vehicles in the 'gloop' and made our own road with traffic lights and a zebra crossing. We went on walks in our local area to practise crossing the road safely and used pelican and zebra crossings near our pre-school.

Making tracks with different vehicles in the ‘gloop!
Trying out different vehicles on our road

On Tuesday we did a traffic survey and saw lots of cars, buses and vans as well as two bikes and a motorbike!  We have also sung lots of transport songs including ‘Twinkle Twinkle Traffic Light,’ ‘Zoom Zoom Zoom’ and ‘The Wheels on the Bus.’

Making repeating colour patterns with the vehicles
Having fun with the boats in the water
Vehicle models with Duplo
Enjoying stories in the boa
Junk modelling

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