Communication and Language
working together to solve puzzles and taking turns
Communication and Language
dressing up as people who help us (firemen, policemen, doctors and nurses
Communication and Language
enjoying our book corner
Understanding the World
Making bird feed as part of our winter topic
Understanding the World
pouring, digging and making shapes in the sand tray
Understanding the World
sorting compare bears into colours
learning to write and sound the letter ‘s’
using shapes to make snowmen for our ‘Winter’ topic
Personal, Social and Emotional
and Learning how to brush our teeth and go to the dentist as part of our people who help us topic
Personal, Social and Emotional
Learning to take turns in our ‘Lotto’ game
Physical Development
playing on the slide and apparatus in ‘Big Fun Time’
Expressive Arts and Design
Making ‘Winter’ shapes and snowmen with our blue playdough
Every donation we receive goes towards buying resources for the children - if you can spare a few pounds, it will make ALL the difference!